Streframe® is a sustainable, lightweight hardwood having a uniform colour and texture. Despite being a lightweight product, through testing at UKAS accredited laboratories, Streframe has demonstrated good performance as a frame material for 60 minute door assemblies. 

Streframe’s low density (nominally 450kg/m3) means that the timber is also by its nature thermally efficient. 

Streframe has a wide variety of uses outside of timber doorframes and is often used as a low cost alternative to African Mahogany or Sapele. Streframe is also popular with furniture manufacturers, moulding producers and manufacturers of musical instruments.


• For FD60, FD30 and NFR doorsets
• Independent Field of Application from IFC
• Included within various other doorset system Field of Applications from IFC and Warringtonfire
• Exceptional finishing qualities
• Also suitable for use as partitioning components
• FSC® certified as standard


FD30 – BS 476: part 22: 1987 
FD60 – BS 476: part 22: 1987  


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